Servo Driven Transverse Cup Slide Device - Pad Printing Automation Component
Machine Type: Servo Driven Long Image Cup Slide Device
Manufacturer: microPrint
Origin: Made in Switzerland
This microPrint Swiss built servo-driven transverse cup slide device is available in different lengths of travel including 500, 600 and 800mm lengths. Cliché sizes can be 100/130mm x 500/600/800mm x 0.5/10mm. Other custom sizes are also available upon request. This servo driven and fully programmable cup slide device mounts standard onto the ML-350 and ML-500 models and is designed for pad printing onto medical device catheter tubing and other long industrial objects such as guide rails, rulers or yardsticks. This standard Plug & Print™ pad printing automation device is easily added to our ML Series of microPrint pad printers.